martes, 5 de mayo de 2020


Hi kids!
Do you want to become a great wizard like Harry Potter?And which house do you like the most, Slytherin, Griffindor, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?
If you want to join one of them, you must train hard!
Here you have a training routine to keep you fit!

First of all, here you have a Warm up routine:

Now you can move the main part of the lesson, the workout. As you can see in the picture, you can repeat it 3, 6 or 9 times. 

To COOL DOWN, you can do some stretching practicing YOGA

Tell us:
- Have you liked today's training routine?
- How many sets have you done from the workout of the day?
I hope you have enjoyed!
See you soon, P.Eople!!

3 comentarios:

  1. A Bruno Mansanet Martínez (1º B) le ha encantado el 2º video de Harry Potter, se está poniendo fuerte para ser un super Mago!!!!

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Hola!
      Nos alegra mucho leer que os gustan nuestras propuestas!
      Seguro que sí, para ser un super mago es muy importante practicar un poquito de actividad física diaria!
      En la entrada del lunes pasado teneis otro video muy chulo de entrenamiento para magos.
      Un saludo!!


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