miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020


Hi kids!
Today you are going to learn and practice a new kind of workout: An EMOM.
The achronym EMOM means "Every minute on the minute".
In the next video you have the explanation in spanish.

Here you have Diego showing you an example about the standards of the exercises.

( younger students can do 3 or 2 reps of each exercise instead of 5)

Now it's your turn. Do this short warm up routine:
3 sets of:
20 jumping jucks
2 knees push ups
2 Sit ups 
2 Squats

Play the timer on and start training!!Off we go!!

P.D When you finish dont forget to stretch a little bit to cool down.

Have you liked this workout?Leave us a comment and tell us how many rounds have you been able to perform, and your opinion!!
And you can send us pictures or videos to:

See you soon!! 

5 comentarios:

  1. Toda la familia nos hemos apuntado al Crossfitness (perdón pero no leí hasta el fnal y han hecho 5 repeticiones de cada ejercicio, ja, ja) Intento pasar fotos de Bruno (1º B)

  2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/nUbgggM9p8FMvdk98

  3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RF4Z64v1Thk54MVj6

  4. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tSd7usCVsSJSbYaj7

  5. Hola!
    Vaya familia de deportistas!Jeje. Que mayor esta Bruno!!
    Os ha gustado practicar Crossfitness kids? Ya sabeis lo que es un EMOM, jeje. Un saludo!!


¡Deja tu comentario!