martes, 28 de abril de 2020


Hi kids!

Today we are going to suggest you a fun activity that we usually do at school: 

1. First of all, go to the next link:

Watch the power point and review the safety rules.

2. Choose the figures that you want to perform

It depends of the number of people at home. Don't forget that at least one player must be helper. Try to involve all your family in the activity, it will be super fun!

3. Practice the performance.

Be careful and respect the safety rules. 

4. Add music and record the performance!

It will be really amusing to see your composition later!In the next video you will find some examples:


If you have a computer and a printer, you can create your own sheet of pyramids. Click on the following link: 

Leave a comment and tell us your feelings about the activity!

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